Skincare and Air Conditioners – How to Get Most Out of it?

Yes, you heard it right. Skincare and ACs.

One of the first things we do when the summer comes is turn on the air conditioner. You may have even invested in one of the best AC 2 ton from Khojdeal you could find and are now enjoying its uses during the immense heatwave. However, we must keep in mind the extreme temperature swings that we see during the summer. Our bodies must be able to resist the high heat of the street as well as the cold provided by air conditioning in buildings.

Although we may believe that this artificial cold is our best ally on hot summer days, the truth is that persistent air conditioning exposure affects the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin. This layer protects us from hazardous substances.

Many people are unaware of the numerous health concerns associated with prolonged air conditioning use. When the ambient temperature drops, the human body attempts to balance it with body temperature. This produces a loss of fluids, which can lead to skin dehydration.

Thus it is essential to drink plenty of water at all times. Maintaining a healthy diet will also assist you in combating the adverse effects of air conditioning. As a result, we will discuss the drawbacks of artificial cold air as well as ways to prevent skin dryness throughout the essay.


Some people are more sensitive to air conditioning than others. Those with dry skin are more susceptible to the harmful effects of air conditioning, but even thin people or those with oily skin can detect the impacts.

The problem of dry skin produced by air conditioning occurs when the PH of our skin, which is generally acidic, becomes alkaline due to dryness. However, our defenses are weakened, in addition to our skin drying out.


We must first determine our skin type to keep it properly hydrated and protected from environmental factors that may cause it to change. This allows us to purchase the appropriate items, such as lotions and cleansing milk, and keep them fresh.

If you have oily skin, stay away from lotions that include oils or other pore-clogging ingredients. However, if your skin is dry, the moisturizers you use should not contain alcohol; instead, they should have water, oils, and Vaseline.

Another aspect to consider is cosmetics, which on multiple occasions dries up our skin; as a result, we must invest in higher-quality makeup if we do not want our skin to be exposed to the detrimental effects of air conditioning. If your workplace is already dry, avoid matte lipsticks, which tend to dry out the lips even more. Avoid using foundation since it plugs the pores and stops the skin from sweating.


Keeping our skin moisturized is a never-fail solution, and a good moisturizer can be the most acceptable therapy for dryness produced by cold air conditioning. We must thoroughly wash and dry our faces but never rub them with a towel.

In addition to the items we use, the ones we consume are equally vital. It is critical to remember that water must always be your life companion and that you must drink 2 liters of water every day, no matter how cliché it may seem. Even if you are not thirsty, it is necessary to drink water. Food is also crucial.

Fruits and vegetables will benefit you since they contain antioxidants that prevent premature aging. Because our hands come into the most touch with numerous items and our faces, hand hygiene is quite vital. And rather than using soaps that contain any form of perfume, look for soaps with lactic acid, as this component gives the skin a lot of shine and smoothness.


In addition to producing many respiratory issues, it also affects other portions of our bodies, including the back and, as previously noted, the face. It is also true that prolonged exposure to artificially cold air can cause low back pain. To avoid some illnesses, it is necessary not to sleep with air conditioning and to maintain a room temperature of 25 degrees.

Suppose the air is too dry, yes. People who breathe it can develop significant health problems. Let’s start with the nosebleed. Lips chapped from dry, cracking skin to respiratory issues and more, Not to mention the damage to the furniture and the paint on the walls.

To avoid this from occurring. Homeowners commonly purchase humidifiers. This device’s primary function is to enhance humidity and moisture in the air.

It has a water reservoir that fills up. It then changes into mist and is released into the atmosphere. The humidifier maintains the desired humidity level in this manner. Your personal preferences and financial constraints determine the model and type of humidifier you select for your home or office.

When the environment’s humidity levels decline, the skin dries out, and its barrier function suffers. This causes inflammation, peeling, excessive sebum production, and premature aging in specific areas of the face. This is where the humidifier comes in handy, as it emits the mist until it reaches the ideal level of humidity in the area, significantly improving the skin’s appearance.

It’s worth mentioning that using a humidifier lowers the danger of developing diseases like cough, cold, or flu since consistent humidity levels prevent viruses and bacteria from quickly spreading through the air. They’re also fantastic allies for improving breathing and combating dry nose and throat, which has the added benefit of reducing snoring.

Many homeowners have both devices, humidifiers, and air conditioners, permanently installed around the house and leave them on all day and night. Although turning on both units at the same time is not a problem. You should know whether or not you can run them.